Debbie Redcliffe – Healing Yin

Debbie Redcliffe – Healing Yin

Debbie found yoga at the end of 2001 when she was going through a soul searching time.

As an actor there were ups and downs and one day she asked that question to the universe- ‘ There has got to be more to life than this?’ I was putting all my happiness into getting an acting job and when I didn’t get the part I couldn’t detach and the lows were lows!!

Dealing with rejection on any level creates issues of  self-worth/image/doubt within you. I felt lost in the world and deep down knew  I was meant to be happy and in celebration of life.

My background is in performing arts and I hold a B.A. HONS degree in acting and am still a professional actor and love it ( acting is my ultimate dream and creativity) but the work is so sporadic that becoming a yoga teacher has given me a deeper purpose in my life and yoga helps to centre and ground me in this unpredictable world .

I fondly remember doing my BWY Foundation Course 2002-3 saying to my tutor Janet Irlam after her suggesting it to me that I don’t and never want to be a teacher!! Haha. I may have been scared of the responsibility that went with it and as an actor I could hide behind characters- this would just be me in front of people! Would I be good enough and will I be accepted?’ The  experience has been beautifully inspiring and positive from students that you know you were meant to be a teacher. I never found or sort it out- IT TRULY FOUND ME !

I have been teaching for over 15 years where my original training was with the British Wheel of yoga and the lovely Rosemary ‘prema’ Bennett and 11 years practicing yin yoga which I have a great passion for. My original yin teacher was Erin Fleming , one of Paul Grilley’s students but I have been on many workshops with other teachers exploring and enquiring like Norman Blair and more recently Sarah Lo. A couple of years I set up my own Yin TT course accredited with the IYN to which I have just finished completing my third one. Yin give us the balance back in life that we truly need. It asks us to be comfortable with the uncomfortable ,very poignant for the world around us today. I hope you enjoy this nourishing and healing yin session based around the winter energy lines of kidneys/Urinary bladder with a theme of “letting go of our fears.” and moving from the darkness to the light!!!